

How Much is a #1 Ranking Worth to Your Business?

2020-11-25T10:50:34-08:00By |Categories: Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Estimating the Traffic Value of a potential target keyword is a critical step in a comprehensive keyword research process. If you know how much value a top ranking will bring to your business, you can better determine how much time and money it would be worth investing in SEO. You can even calculate the ROI [...]

All-new CanIRank adds a free SEO audit, social recommendations, “done for you” services and more!

2020-11-25T10:50:37-08:00By |Categories: CanIRank news, Syndication|Tags: , , , |

In the past year CanIRank has grown to become one of the SEO industry’s most respected keyword research and competitive analysis tools. We’ve analyzed over a quarter of a million websites, crunching 50,000,000+ raw data points from 11 different sources down into 25,000 Action Recommendations and 3.5 million Keyword Ideas. That’s turning data into action! [...]

The Long Tail and What It Means for Content Marketing

2020-11-25T10:50:38-08:00By |Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson is a fascinating book full of convincing evidence explaining the concept of The Long Tail. If you are interested in the concept of the Long Tail or digital retail sales then I would recommend reading it. If you are interested in content marketing like us then you should just [...]

The Secret to Successful Influencer Outreach

2020-11-25T10:50:39-08:00By |Categories: Grow Your Followers|Tags: , , |

As the content manager at CanIRank I know that one of my tasks is to make as many people as possible aware of our (amazing) application. I can, and do, accomplish some of that by telling everyone I know about CanIRank and how it can help them find the best keywords. A more efficient way to build awareness is to leverage other people’s audiences and get already established voices on the internet talking about our product. This is Influencer Marketing. The reason it’s so powerful is that with the help of just one influencer you can get the word out to many people.

Optimize Your Content with CanIRank & Yoast SEO Plugin

2020-11-25T10:50:40-08:00By |Categories: Tutorials|Tags: , , , , , |

Introduction to WordPress and SEO Google's Penguin and Panda updates have changed the rules of the content game. Google is now much better at accessing the value of a webpage based on the content of that page and it's relationship to other valuable pages. Here are two great tools which you can use to make [...]

Optimizing SEO ROI: A Not-So-Simple Formula to Uncover High-Value, Low-Difficulty Keywords

2020-11-25T10:50:41-08:00By |Categories: Grow Your Content, SEO Knowledge|

Today we launched a new feature that I've been wanting to see in SEO software for nearly 10 years. You probably already know that CanIRank offers an extremely accurate keyword difficulty tool, and we provide you with an estimate of a keyword's value in the form of search volume, advertiser cost per click, and how [...]

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